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08:00 Departure for Kinerma Village.
10:00 Meeting with Nadezhda. Thanks to Nadezhda the village became a unique monument of traditional wooden architecture. She did not only win several grants for the restoration of ancient houses, but also preserves the village in a traditional Karelian style. Excursion around the village. Workshop on Karelian baking. Nadezhda will show how to bake kalitki, traditional Karelian pies made of rye flour.
13:00 Lunch in the village with dishes of Karelian cuisine.
15:00 Arrival at the husky farm. You will get acquainted with one of the prettiest and one of the friendliest dog breeds in the world, teach you how to harness huskies and how to prepare sledges for the ride. After the sledges are ready and the dogs are harnessed, begins a true adventure. You will enjoy a short 1 km ride in the fabulous Karelian pine forest and a cup of hot tea in the traditional hut covered with reindeer skins.
18:00 Arrival in Petrozavodsk.